My Answers…What are Yours?
Reflection is an incredible way to revisit the year. I invite you to ask yourself these questions and answer them as it pertains to your business and personal life.
What were my biggest wins this year that brought a smile to my face?
● Business: To not trust people so easily! I dealt with some hard lessons in this area this year.
● Personal: I am more than my story. While I truly believed I would be gone by now there is so much more to life and future dreams are slowly starting
What life lessons did I pick up along the way?
● Business: To not trust people so easily! I dealt with some hard lessons in this area this year.
● Personal: I am more than my story. While I truly believed I would be gone by now there is so much more to life and future dreams are slowly starting
Who are the new folks who joined my journey, leaving their mark on my life?
● Business: New marketing company, new website building team, 2 new team members in-house and so many collaborators and business friends!!
● Personal: Some amazing new mentors and friends all around the globe. I have started connecting in a different way with people this year
In the daily tug-of-war, which challenge really tested my mettle?
● Business: My health! (I am fine!! Just a thyroid disease) It has slowed me down more than I had hoped
● Personal: My capacity is also based on the above! It has caused some struggles with friendships this year. That has been hard
When did I feel a wave of sadness wash over me?
● Business: An unmet goal that was MANY years in the making. Time to shift…
● Personal: Watching my nieces and nephews grow. I have been grieving what was but also really working on what can be in these relationships moving forward. This has brought sadness but also excitement
What battles did I reluctantly let go of?
● Business: See the project above! And social media…. I am calmly doing it now with no expectations
● Personal: Realizing that there is no way to push through the thyroid stuff . No amount of IVs or supplements will magically heal it. I need the downtime
Where did I stumble upon valuable knowledge?
● Business: Masterminds that I have been going to, relationships outside of my normal networking
● Personal: Long road trips by myself!! No music, no podcasts, no phone calls. Just time alone with my thoughts
What cool places did I explore?
● Business: Group coaching!! Masterminds with other business owners
● Personal: I finally lived in New York!!! I have dreamt for years of doing that and I had the opportunity this year to do that for 3 weeks. It was magical. I want to do it again.
What new skills did I acquire?
● Business: SO many tech things!!! But also more trauma training, grief training and more. I love learning!
● Personal: Gardening! I learned a few new things. I also have had an amazing year of using my new smoker and learning how much I adore brisket….
How did I spend my time, and did it align with what truly mattered to me?
● Business: It did!! I can proudly say that this year
● Personal: 50%. I watched WAY too much Netflix and napping this year. While some of it was needed I also did not have one fire in my backyard, I did not spend enough time with friends this year. I have some changes to make next year!!
Did I take good care of my body and mind?
● Business: YES! I love growth and this was a good year for it.
● Personal: Again 50%. I did amazing in so many ways but will shift a few things for next year
What did I keep procrastinating on?
● Business: Writing my next book……
● Personal: Painting some spots in my house Literal spots. The size of a dime. I really should do it. I also left a drawer with spilled coconut oil in it for almost a year before I cleaned it up! I just dealt with the chaos of it
Did fear hold me back from anything?
● Business: Launching the group coaching earlier in the year. I don’t know why I was so scared!
● Personal: Saying no and walking away from some toxic relationships. They are gone now but it took WAY too long
Did I manage to conquer any of my fears?
● Business: I launched the hard things!!! I made some massive shifts in my business this year and it has been so scary but I am so proud of it
● Personal: I did!! I am no longer living in the space of being scared of “d” day. I am no longer scared to die
When did self-doubt creep in?
● Business: Launching programs and meeting new people
● Personal: I struggled this year with trusting my body. Will it get sick again if I do something cool? Will it crash? I have been working through this
Did I love my job?
● Business: YES!!! 100% yes.
● Personal: See above
When did I feel most alive?
● Business: Travelling to see clients and to network
● Personal: Spending more time with my husband with his job shift!
What doors did I close, what stories did I finish, and what people did I say goodbye to?
● Business: Big dreams from the past and acknowledging that I don’t have the capacity anymore to do ALL the things I have wanted to do!! This is not a bad shift but a massive shift
● Personal: Grieving our dog, toxic relationships I allowed to go on for too long
Which new door did I open?
● Business: New networking, new programs, new staff. It has been a big year!!
● Personal: New friendships and more travel
Did I kick bad habits and embrace good ones?
● Business: Laziness!! I have struggled to DO the work on my business this last year and I got that under control this year
● Personal: Cooking! I have embraced not cooking as often but cooking a larger meal each time
What doors closed, which fears were conquered, and what valuable lessons await your reflection? ...
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